The Program of Energy Research and Development (PERD) is an NRCan (Natural Resources Canada) – sponsored research program contracted out to WEICan in 2016. The program aimed to test various grid dispatch scenarios which would be developed in consultation with industry stakeholders. Examples of stakeholders include grid / system operators (e.g. Nova Scotia Power, Alberta Electric System Operator, etc.), wind turbine manufacturers and other research groups. The focus of this work is primarily practical demonstrations or applied research and does not focus heavily on the theoretical aspects. Algorithms developed are intentionally designed to be simple and easy to replicate so as to not detract from the end goal: demonstrating the capabilities of the underlying technology in the context of benefiting the electric power grid. This work explores three, broad themes: 1. Using battery energy storage to supply peak electrical demand on the grid during periods where transmission constraints are reached and diesel generators are required 2. Providing ancillary services, specifically secondary frequency regulation (AGC), from wind turbines 3. Using a battery energy storage system to supplement the performance of a wind turbine in providing ancillary services, again, specifically AGC.

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