Empowering Wind Energy Innovation Through Collaboration
WEICan will hold the must-attend Fall 2024 Meeting as a hybrid event, hosted by the University of Calgary on October 24-25, 2024. This event, supported by Natural Resources Canada, is the premier conference to bring together researchers, industry players, and policy makers dedicated to driving the development and growth of wind energy in Canada. This event immediately follows CanREA’s Electricity Transformation Canada.
Conference Venue
The conference will be held at the University of Calgary in the Engineering Complex (ENG 207). See map below for location of meeting, parking, and public transit. If logistical support in travelling to or registering for this event is needed, please contact us.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
*Please note: All times are in Calgary local time (UTC-6)
8:00-8:30 | Breakfast |
8:30 | Opening Day 1: Marianne Rodgers, Wind Energy Institute of Canada and Eric Limacher, University of Calgary |
8:40-10:00 | Aerodynamics – Moderator: Eric Limacher |
8:40 | AD1 – Artem Korobenko, University of Calgary, Advances in fluid-structure interaction simulations of wind turbines |
9:00 | AD2 – Zhonghe Huang, University of Calgary, Enhancing wind speed estimation using blade structure responses and data-driven techniques |
9:20 | AD3 – Rafat Jami David Johnson, University of Waterloo, Validated CFD simulation of a 3D wind turbine blade element using wind tunnel experimental data |
9:40 | AD4 – Dongming Wang, Joshua Brinkerhoff, UBC Okanagan, Assessing the performance of RANS-based transition models at moderate Reynolds numbers |
10:00 | AD5 – Sebastiano Stipa, Arjun Ajay, Andres Escobedo, Jagdeep Singh, Joshua Brinkerhoff, UBC Okanagan, Can TOSCA – an open source LES code for on/offshore windfarms in stratified atmospheres-serve as a community tool for Canadian Wind energy research? |
10:20 | Break |
10:40-12:20 | Asset Management and Social and Environmental Integration: Moderator – Ryan Arseneault, Environment and Climate Change Canada |
10:40 | AM1 – Chiagozi-David Osuagwu , Spencer Swaine, Grant McSorley, UPEI, Sustainability Assessment of End-of-Life Options from Wind Turbines |
11:00 | SE1 – Laura Apblett, Grant McSorley, UPEI, Site Remediation During Project Decommissioning |
11:20 | SE2- Ryan Arseneault, Alvin AuDuong, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Observed wind farm impacts on the ECCC weather radar network |
11:40 | SE3 – Faith Nobert, Tim Weis, Andrew Leach, Sergi Arus Garcia, University of Alberta, Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, A wind offset paradox: Alberta’s wind fleet displacing greenhouse gas emissions and depressing future offset values |
12:00 | SE4 – Carelle Peggy MangBenza, University of Western Ontario, Wind power and Power relations: Mother Earth Renewable Energy in M’Chigeeng First Nation |
12:20-1:20 | Lunch |
1:20-3:00 | Asset Management: Moderator – Mathieu Cote, CanREA |
1:20 | AM2 – Mathieu Cote, CanREA, Wind Energy Research Needs from an Operator’s Perspective |
1:40 | AM3 – Lindsay Miller, University of Windsor, Heather Norton, WEICan, Repowering Options in a Canadian Context |
2:00 | AM4 – Marianne Rodgers, Robbie Sanderson, Shawn Shea, Scott Harper, WEICan, Maintenance Issues and Research Opportunities in the Operation of a 13-year-old 10 MW Wind R&D Park |
2:20 | AM5 – Majlinda Qarri, Patrick McInnis, Mohawk College, Power Protection & Control Specialized Training |
2:40 | Break |
3:00-4:40 | Asset Management and Aerodynamics: Moderator – Charles Godreau, Nergica |
3:00 | AM6 – Alessandro Kerr, Rupp Carriveau, University of Windsor, Demonstration of an integrated framework to support major wind energy investments |
3:20 | AM7 – Syed Imran Ali, Jesus Resendiz, Amy Hsiao, Optimizing Wind Turbine Longevity and Efficiency: The impact of Advanced Lubrication on Canada’s Growing Wind Energy Capacity |
3:40 | AM8 – Katherine Gibson, NRCan, Asset Management Implications for Wind Tunnel Generators Integrated in Future Net-Zero Grids |
4:00 | AD6 – David Wood, University of Calgary, Tail Fin Modeling for Small Wind Turbines |
4:20 | AD7 – Charles Godreau, Ryan Church, Nergica, Biome Renewables, Reducing Wind Turbine Noise and Improving Wind Turbine Performance with the FeatherEdge |
4:40 | Closing Day 1: Marianne Rodgers, Wind Energy Institute of Canada |
Friday, October 25, 2024
*Please note: All times are in Calgary local time (UTC-6)
8:00-8:30 | Breakfast and Registration |
8:30 | Opening Day 2: Marianne Rodgers, Wind Energy Institute of Canada and Artem Korobenko, University of Calgary |
8:40-10:20 | Aerodynamics: Moderator – Joshua Brinkerhoff, UBC-Okanagan |
8:40 | AD8 – Sujal Dave, Artem Korobenko, University of Calgary, Projection-based model order reduction of environmental flows using FEM-based variational multiscale method |
9:00 | AD9 – Aabhushan Regmi, Artem Korobenko, University of Calgary, Wind farm stratified flow simulations with actuator line method and variational multiscale framework |
9:20 | AD10 – Sebastiano Stipa, Arjun Ajay, Joshua Brinkerhoff, UBC Okanagan, The actuator farm model for LES of wind farm-induced atmospheric gravity waves and farm-farm interaction |
9:40 | AD11 – Sebastiano Stipa, Jagdeep Singh, Arjun Ajay, Ryan Church, Joshua Brinkerhoff, UBC Okanagan, Biome Renewables, The impact of an auxiliary rotor on the power output and wake mixing of a 2 MW and 10 MW turbine |
10:00 | AD12 – Leandro Jose Lemes Stival, Federal University of Parana, Brazil, Large eddy simulation of the atmospheric flow around wind turbines with the use of immersed boundary method |
10:20 | Break |
10:40-11:20 | Social and Environmental Integration: Moderator – Heather Norton, Wind Energy Institute of Canada |
10:40 | SE5 – Ian Maynard, Anastasiia Sobchenko, Ryan Kilpatrick, Aveen Caceres, Kelia LaFreniere, CanMetENERGY-Ottawa, NRCan, Review of Bat Fatality Mitigation Studies and Recommendations for Canada |
11:00 | SE6 – Heather Norton, G. Avellaneda Domene, R. Foxall, D. Jung, D. Todd, C. Crawford, University of Victoria, Techno-economic and carbon dioxide removal efficiency optimization of offshore-wind powered direct air capture with storage in subsea basalt |
11:20-12:00 | Panel Discussion – Future of Wind Energy Research in Canada: Moderator – Charles Godreau; Panelists – Katherine Gibson, NRCan; Phil McKay, CanREA; and Artem Korobenko, University of Calgary |
12:00-1:00 | Lunch |
1:00 | Tour of U of C Wind Tunnel Lab – Eric Limacher, University of Calgary |